National jokes
- How do you sink a Norwegian submarine?
- Dive in, knock the door and wait them to open.
- How do you sink a Norwegian submarine for second time?
- Do the same and they’ll open up to say “We won’t fall for that again!”.
- When does the Cheesiness say “Hello”?
- When they learn English.
Food and restaurant jokes
- Waiter! There’s a pocket in my soup!
- Yeah, the cook couldn’t find his fly.
- Waiter! There’s a fly in my tomato-soup!
- Yeah, isn’t funny? He thinks it’s the Red Sea.
- Waiter! There’s a fly in my soup!
- Dang! I mixed up the orders again!
- Waiter, is this a soup for two?
- Yes, it is.
- But there’s just ONE fly in it.
- Have you got wild-hog?
- No but we could taunt a pig.
- Do you serve lobster here?
- We serve everybody!
- Do you have invisible inc?
- Yes, which color do you want?
- Why does Mickey Mouse want to go into space?
- To find Pluto.
- I like to buy something for a young poet.
- How about a paper-bin?
Cannibal and Jungle jokes
- What does vegetarian cannibals eat?
- Bushmen!
Cannibal-husband: Am I late for dinner?
Cannibal-wife: Yes, everyone is eaten.
A tourist got captured by cannibals and got into a boiling pot. After awhile a young woman comes with paper and pen and asked.
- What’s your name?
- Stanley Banks. How so, is the rescue-team on there way?
- No, I just make up the menu of the day.
Animal and Zoo jokes
- What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with an elephant?
- Big holes all over Australia!
History jokes
Adam: Do you love me?
Eve: Who else?
- Have you seen any play by Shakespeare?
- Yes, two. Romeo and Juliet.
BIG NOTICE Jokes will update very much.